Decision-makers share challenges, future-proof
their businesses and
explore new solutions at
HCL Techs’ In-person Experience

Stories - Technology
24th July 2023



Experience type: In-person Experience

Industry: Technology

About the host

HCL Tech offers a broad portfolio of technology services and products delivering industry-leading capabilities centered around digital, engineering and cloud.

About the In-person Experience  

HCL Tech hosted an in-person experience at Aqua Shard in London with 14 senior decision-makers from Fortune 500 companies.

The evening began at 18:30 with welcome drinks and networking before moving on to the event welcome and introductions at 19:00. This was promptly followed by table discussions and a sumptuous three-course dinner before the night ended at 21:30.

Key speakers included Sandeep Saini, Head of Digital Business at HCL Tech. His key areas of focus include New Technological Innovations, Global Talent Scaling Models, Enterprise Transformation leveraging Digital Technologies, and Agile Operating Model.

Primary discussion points: 

  • Considering the global macroeconomic situation, what are your top 3 areas of focus, as an IT/business leader, in the short to mid-term?
  • How do you continue to fund innovation across the enterprise value chain?
  • What challenges do you foresee in successfully rolling out Digital Transformation initiatives? Is it talent, budgets, global political environment, supply chain disruption, etc?

Attendee feedback  

“I thought the event was excellent. A good range of perspectives was delivered within some relevant and timely discussion points. The attendees present were well-chosen and well-versed. I think we used the time allotted very well and there was no ‘fluff’. The representatives from HCL had good experiences to share and their perspectives were well chosen, I also appreciated the level of insights provided”

“The event was great. It was very interesting as I got to hear new ideas from the other organizations that were present about the challenges they are facing and ways they are working to overcome these challenges and of course, it gave me the affirmation that we are on the same path, facing similar obstacles. “

“I enjoyed the event, it was relevant and a good use of time. The topics presented and discussed were applicable to my current role as they covered what I am working on right now. I liked hearing from the other participants about what they are working on and how they are dealing with some of the main common problems. The inputs shared from the HCL team were informative and entertaining and they engaged well also.“

“Overall, it was a beneficial event. Very useful to liaise with other industry professionals who have similar digital delivery goals, objectives and challenges. I really valued discussing data transfer from design, construction and operations and maintenance. Also the discussion around the future of IoT in terms of design, construction and O&M was very informative. I enjoyed the insights shared from the HCL team”

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