How health organizations avoid the pitfalls of staffing

27 February 2024, New York 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm EST
In partnership

Dinner Location: Butter

How can you strategize against problems with hiring locally?

Healthcare organizations encounter challenges when relying solely on local hiring, including shortages of skilled professionals, geographical constraints, and heightened competition for talent. These issues lead to understaffed facilities, increased workloads, and compromised patient care quality. The limitations of local recruitment hinder rapid response to changing demands, impacting overall operational efficiency.

In response, healthcare leaders are turning to global remote talent to overcome these challenges. This approach allows organizations to address staffing shortages, access specialized expertise, and create a more scalable workforce. Leveraging professionals from around the world enhances flexibility and innovation, ensuring healthcare organizations can adapt swiftly to evolving demands while maintaining high standards of patient care. But what does this entail, exactly, and where do we start?

We look forward to seeing you in New York City

View agenda

Discussion topics

Hiring and onboarding global talent

How to partner with the right talent partner

Scaling the organization with support staff

"These events are great for relationship building and early stage lead development tool"
Art DuRivage, VP Sales
"It's not a business of selling, it's a business of sharing. And so GDS helps create the environment to share with trust."
David Kidder, CEO & Co-Founder, Bionic
"It's all about exposure and visibility, right? Getting us in front of the right CEOs or the practitioners or whatever, bringing people together to share new techniques, new processes, and new technologies. "
Jason Mical, Cyber Security Evangelist, Devo
"It was a very qualified audience. It was exactly the level and the type of people we want to talk to. The dialogue, the nature of those one on ones gives you the ability to really understand what the client is seeking."
Hamp Hampton, Chief Revenue Officer, Cadalys

Event Agenda

Day one

6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Arrivals, welcome drinks, and networking

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Event welcome and introductions

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Table discussions and three-course dinner

9:00 pm - 9:30 pm

9:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Event wrap-up

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Gain a range of insights from peers and technical experts who are current with emerging business trends.

About Edge

Edge connects organizations with high quality, reliable full-time talent from around the world. Our co-founders have travelled across more than 39 countries, where they encountered hundreds of remarkable individuals whose ambitions were limited by their local economies. This experience inspired the creation of the Edge Platform Marketplace, with the mission to "Democratize access to fair wages and jobs around the world". We believe that exceptional talent should not be confined by borders, and we are committed to empowering people to pursue their ambitions without limitations.

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