How to future-proof your cloud strategy with FinOps

Podcast - Cloud
20th September 2023

Welcome to Strategy for Breakfast! The podcast about real business challenges based on real business conversations! In this episode, we faced a topic that keeps a lot of CIOs up at night: cloud costs!

Flexera’s surveyed more than 750 cloud decision makers for their 2023 State of the Cloud Report and more than 4 in 5 said managing cloud spend was their top cloud challenge – pushing cloud security and lack of cloud expertise down the list. But how did we get here, and how do we take control of cloud spending once and for all?

Paxton Lamons is an experienced executive leader in Saas Product Development, platform Engineering, AWS Cloud Center of Excellence, FinOps, DevSecOps, and all things agile. Together with GDS host Julia Belle, he unpacks the common pitfalls to look out for, and shares his top tips to align finance, operations, and IT.

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Discussion points 

  • What to factor in when migrating workloads
  • Common cloud cost pitfalls (and strategies to avoid them)
  • How to achieve cost optimization when building cloud-native workloads
  • The role of culture in cloud

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