Prioritizing AI simulation training for great customer experiences

Article - CX
By Rebecca Solomon|27th November 2023

What does the consumer want? At the end of the day, people demand excellence in customer service and experience from a business. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes a splash in the industry, businesses must adapt to this change by focusing on AI simulation training.

What is AI simulation training?

According to Zenarate, AI simulation training is the simulation training software for improving agent performance during live customer and prospect engagements. Zenerate works with leading brands to develop top performing agents who will deliver consistent and excellent customer and prospect experiences and performance.

Training for live tracking agents will help address challenges such as understanding the difference between human agents from automation and technology. By understanding this shift, businesses can ultimately deliver a great experience for consumers.

It’s time to embrace AI

It’s an exciting time for AI. Businesses are jumping into the trend and finding much success, but change can also be difficult. As a new moderator and presenter for GDS Group, I personally am just beginning to hear from business leaders about the emergence of AI and how it will impact consumers. It’s fascinating how leaders from all over the world are in the AI transformation together, with the main goal of making sure customers are content. However, although businesses embrace AI, customers will continue to call in to contact centers because they still want to speak to a human being. With the proper training, businesses can reap the benefits of both succeeding internally, while making sure their customers walk away happy.

Business success from customer satisfaction

How is employee experience tied to business success? What can businesses do to ensure they’re keeping up with the latest technology, while providing a positive Customer Experience?

At a recent GDS CX Summit, VP of Sales at Zenarate, and AI Coach, Casey Denby, shared how AI conversation simulation accelerates agent speed to proficiency and lowers attrition. Denby focuses on prepping new hire agents before their first live customer or prospect interaction.

Casey Denby, VP of Sales at Zenarate, addresses summit attendees on how to deliver the best CX with the right automation


Human power is more important than automation

Voice and Test Channels Dominate CX

“Two-thirds or 67% of customers prefer a live agent.”
– Casey Denby, VP of Sales at Zenarate

“The human being is not going away, I think with all the technology and automation in the world, we still crave and need interaction and support,” shared Casey Denby.

“Pre the world changing, people liked the automation, they weren’t contacting as much, then the world woke up and started transacting again, and all of a sudden, the contact center was left flat footed and not prepared with what was about to hit them,” said Denby. “As a result, wait times were really long, the customers were unhappy, they weren’t able to get the service they needed.”

AI Coach, Denby, shared with attendees, the need to have AI Simulation Training


Executing a positive CX by addressing the challenges

The AI coach advised our audience how CX agents teams are working to produce a better product. According to Denby, 70% of what we do, we learn by “doing.”

“We can’t learn (a sport, an instrument, a skill) without getting our hands on it. The reality is you will remember 5% of what you hear in this conference. A statistical reality,” said Denby.
He shared customer engagement jobs are difficult for a number of reasons, including new hire attrition, speed to proficiency, compliance anxiety and performance gaps.

The solution

AI Simulation Training: taking the right steps to improve CX

“Benefits (from training) are tangible and real,” said Denby.

  1. In a four-step process, AI simulation leaders guide new agents through the process of being ready to take live calls.
  2. The training begins with learning the best practices with an introduction in AI simulation.
  3. Next, people will watch and learn what works and what skills are needed.
  4. Simulation Practice entails role playing with an AI Coach. Trainees will also receive certification before taking a live customer call.
  5. Finally, it’s time for that live call. Agents will continue to receive support as they transition to the floor.

Putting in the work for lasting results

AI Coach, Denby, insisted the best results come from training. Just like a pilot before he/she takes flight, a call center agent must understand the knowledge needed before it’s time to take off the training wheels and go. With the proper training, Denby said benefits include faster speed to proficiency, higher CSAT scores and lower employee attrition. Therefore, developing top performance agents stems from AI simulation training.

GDS Summits are tailored 3-day virtual event conferences that bring together business leaders and solution providers to accelerate sales cycles, industry conversations and outcomes. Regarding the CX Innovation Summit 86% of Delegates said the overall experience of Digital Summit they attended was either Above Average or Excellent and 71% of Delegates said the Digital Summit provided them with actionable outcomes to support their current initiatives.

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