Unveiling the transformative power of CX, technology, and data-driven strategies

Article - CX
By Elysia Sibley|30th October 2023

Last month, the GDS CX Innovation Digital Summit in North America took place. The summit focused on three pivotal themes: streamlining processes through automation, crafting personalized experiences, and utilizing data analytics effectively.

Uniting 117 industry leaders from 97 diverse brands, the summit focused on driving CX transformation. Attendees were found to have a total of $996m budget between them, with an average project spend of $8.5m. Top project spending focuses included chatbots and digital transformation.

Throughout the three-day event, participants shared insights, discussed challenges, and collectively envisioned the future of CX. The summit unearthed five key takeaways, offering organizations a clear roadmap for enhancing their CX and driving business transformation.

So, what did we learn from the summit? How will the aforementioned themes drive transformation and innovation? What were the key takeaways?

Table of contents:

Business transformation and CX
Tech adoption and data-driven insights
Key success factors
Funding challenges and ROI demonstration
Navigating transformation changes
GDS Predictions


Business transformation and CX

“If you want to change a business, you have to change a culture. And it’s hard to find a business large or small across industries that isn’t going through a transformation… When a business is a large established global business in a traditional industry that’s being disrupted by tech, it takes a lot of strategy and heavy lifting to create a lasting growth company that has both the right to play and the right to win. And CX, as we all know, is a big part of that.”
Tracie Gildea, Business Transformation Strategy Leader & Global Chief Marketing Executive, Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.

Gildea’s above quote highlights the importance of the relationship between business transformation and CX.

Successful organizations understand that CX isn’t just a department; it’s the heart of their operations. They are embracing revolutionary journeys by transitioning from traditional models to tech-driven approaches. With this evolution, enhancing customer experience is becoming recognized as a core element in business evolution.

This appears to be a sentiment shared by many – in a poll taken during the summit it was found that 79% of attendees believe that CX is the most critical area of differentiation for a company:

The acknowledgment that CX is essential to brand differentiation embodies a shift in perspective. Organizations are increasingly recognizing that – in this digital age, customer interactions are not isolated events but intricate touchpoints defining the overall brand narrative.

These learnings signify a fundamental shift in organizational thinking, where CX is becoming central to future success.

Tech adoption and data-driven insights

Additionally, the summit called attention to the significance of technology and digital tools in revolutionizing CX.

Streamlining operations, enhancing lead generation, and improving customer service have become pivotal objectives. Businesses are leveraging new technology, automation tools, and data-driven insights to achieve these improvements.

One key advancement is the integration of advanced tools like Natural Language Processing (NLP) virtual agents. NLP agents understand and respond to human language effectively, ensuring seamless communication. Whether it’s addressing queries, providing product information, or resolving issues, NLP agents offer personalized and efficient interactions. These interactions can significantly enhance overall customer satisfaction.

During a roundtable discussion at the summit, Ehab Goldstein, Former Global VP Customer Experience & Sales Operations at Lifescan, delved into a transformative use of NLP agents aimed at elevating CX standards.

NLP agents are used to meticulously analyze customer interactions, such as recorded calls. By assessing the tone and language used during the interactions, the NLP agents could detect missed chances to have shown empathy, missed opportunities to demonstrate ownership of the customer’s problem, or instances of disconnect – either through silence or unsuitable interaction.

By thoroughly evaluating the quality of each of these calls, the NLP agents provide insightful data, pinpointing areas that may require further coaching and training. This targeted approach not only refines individual customer calls but also contributes significantly to the overall enhancement of the organization’s CX strategies, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and unparalleled customer satisfaction.

Key success factors in CX evolution

While tech adoption is one key driver in the evolution of CX, transformation also requires a clear vision that can guide the organization’s efforts.

Prioritizing strategic business cases, investing in technology, cultivating talent, building for scalability, and deriving actionable insights from data are all essential success factors . Each element contributes to meaningful change and achievement.
Shantel Love, Global VP, Customer Success at Pearson Education noted the importance of strategy when executing a clear CX vision:

“You know what a good experience should look like, and you know what a not good experience looks like. Often times, when that experience is not favorable, it often boils down to the value the company places on mastering CX and EX. This isn’t something you can put a band-aid on and call it fixed. There has to be a core strategy that is implemented with the customer in mind. It has to be adopted, evaluated, measured, and executed – each member of the organization plays a role.”

This strategic approach involves careful planning, evaluation, and execution. It signifies a commitment to continuous improvement, where performance is consistently analyzed and optimized.

Moreover, Love’s perspective resonates deeply with the other key success factors mentioned, as a robust strategy forms the foundation upon which these factors can thrive. A well-crafted strategy unifies these elements, driving meaningful change within the organization. It is clear, then, that a holistic, strategic approach is essential in creating enduring and exceptional customer experiences.

Funding challenges and ROI demonstration

However, even with a clear strategic approach and the key success factors in place, the path to transformation is not without hurdles. This evolutionary journey is laden with challenges, as revealed in a poll taken during the summit, where 61% of attendees identified insufficient funding and unclear ROI as major obstacles to successful implementation of CX.

This statistic underscores funding as a common struggle faced by organizations aspiring to enhance their customer interactions and highlights the financial hurdles many confront when embarking on CX transformations.

Initiating change in CX often necessitates initial seed funding, emphasizing an organization’s commitment to the journey. Organizations also have the option to explore self-funding methods, which could be achieved through strategic resource reallocation. This adaptive approach allows businesses to embark on CX improvements while navigating budget constraints effectively.

Crucially, showcasing a tangible ROI is instrumental in gaining support and enthusiasm for transformative efforts from C-suite executives. Therefore, clearly demonstrating the positive impact of investments becomes instrumental in not only securing initial backing but also in sustaining ongoing support for these initiatives. When organizations can tangibly exhibit the benefits derived from their CX enhancements, they are more likely to receive continued endorsement and resources, ensuring the momentum of their transformative endeavors and paving the way for lasting customer-centric success.

Navigating transformational journeys is riddled with complexities, for example, in the realms of data security, integrity, and privacy. Collaborative approaches have emerged as indispensable strategies for overcoming these obstacles.

By emphasizing partnership-oriented thinking over transactional methods, businesses can successfully navigate the intricate landscape of transformation. This shift in perspective proves invaluable, fostering a culture of shared expertise and mutual understanding among stakeholders.

This shift in perspective is transformative in itself, setting the stage for a collaborative ecosystem where insights are freely exchanged. The process commences by gradually extending participation to a diverse array of stakeholders, each contributing unique perspectives and expertise. This inclusive approach not only gathers a wealth of crucial insights but also nurtures a network of shared understanding and support.

These insights serve as the base to a robust transformational process. They not only inform decision making but also the overall strategy, ensuring it is grounded in real-world expertise. Moreover, this collaborative model establishes a solid foundation for sustainable growth. By integrating diverse viewpoints, businesses can innovate effectively, adapt swiftly to changing circumstances, and anticipate challenges, enhancing their ability to thrive in a dynamic environment.

In essence, collaborative approaches lay the groundwork for transformative success. By fostering a culture of collaboration, businesses foster resilience, ensuring their transformational journeys are not only feasible but also prosperous, sustainable, and resilient in the face of evolving challenges.

GDS predictions

These key insights provide a vital snapshot of the current CX landscape. Building on these takeaways, we have gathered three key predictions that offer invaluable foresight into the future of CX.

  1. Increased use of behavioral data
    A notable prediction from the GDS summit is a heightened usage of behavioral data, complementing traditional attitudinal data. Organizations are recognizing the value of a deeper understanding of customer behaviors, preferences, and patterns. This shift underscores the importance of employing methods to capture these nuanced insights, which will enable businesses to tailor their CX strategies more effectively.
  2. Growth in digital experiences
    The trend towards humanizing digital experiences continues to gain momentum. Technologies, such as spatial audio, hint at the growing importance of immersive virtual communication. This evolution signifies a shift towards more engaging and interactive online interactions. Businesses are expected to invest in technologies that facilitate these immersive experiences, fostering deeper connections with customers in the digital realm.
  3. Emphasis on AI and data integration
    Discussions at the summit highlighted the pivotal role of AI in optimizing customer experiences and addressing specific challenges. Organizations are set to prioritize the integration of AI and data analytics into their operations. This strategic integration is poised to enhance operational efficiency, elevate customer experiences, and streamline decision-making processes. The summit’s insights indicate a future where AI becomes integral to delivering personalized and seamless CX, driving innovation and efficiency across various industries.


In conclusion, the GDS CX Innovation Digital Summit shed light on the transformative landscape of customer experience. Business leaders across various sectors emphasized the symbiotic relationship between business transformation and CX. Successful organizations are embracing technology, automation, and data-driven insights.

However, challenges such as funding constraints and transformation complexities persist. It is imperative for organizations to demonstrate clear ROI and foster collaborative, partnership-oriented approaches to overcome these hurdles effectively.

As we move forward, the insights shared at the summit underline the importance of continuous adaptation and a customer-centric mindset. By integrating these strategies into their operations, businesses can not only enhance their customer experience but also drive comprehensive and sustainable transformations, ensuring they remain competitive in the dynamic landscape of the digital age.

To view even more insights from the GDS CX Innovation Digital Summit North America, consider diving into our Beyond the Summit Insights report, which can be downloaded below.

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