Rapid secure an 80-90% conversion rate to follow-up meetings with Digital Roundtables

Stories - Technology
6th November 2023


Experience type:

Company size (employee headcount): 51-200

Industry: Software Development


  • Trusted advisor – Positioned their organization as a ‘trusted advisor’
  • Elevate conversations – Reached senior decision-makers
  • Brand value – Increased brand awareness and stayed front of mind

About the company

Rapid is the world’s largest API hub used by over 3 million developers to find, test, and connect to thousands of APIs. The RapidAPI Enterprise Hub provides a customizable API hub where development teams can leverage RapidAPI studio to discover and collaborate on hundreds of APIs. 


Rapid sought a new channel to position themselves as a thought leader and ultimately drive revenue for its Enterprise Hub. The Enterprise Hub was formed following a successful adoption of Rapid’s B2C offering, the Rapid API Marketplace. Rapid approached GDS to reach a new B2B audience, access senior decision makers and grow market share.


Sourcing and accessing senior executives at large enterprises with the need for an API solution.  


8 Digital Roundtables held in partnership with GDS.

Using the specialist GDS acquisition team, a total of 43 senior executives sat on these roundtables. Each executive underwent a strict qualification process to ensure that they held decision making power, budgetary control and had projects that required Rapid’s solution.  


An 80-90% conversion rate to follow-up meetings was achieved, forming pipeline opportunities for Rapid.  

Attendee feedback:

“I thought that this session was great. It was well-organized and presented. The topics we managed to discuss were relevant and applicable to my current role as they covered my area of responsibility. I enjoyed discussing topics around APIs as it is a very important area at the moment within my company. Alex was amazing. He was very knowledgeable and experienced on the matter. I left the discussion with some valuable nuggets of knowledge to digest and put them to use in the future. I would like to reconnect with Rapid team on a discovery call around their services and products as we are looking into different possibilities on API purchases.” 

Likelihood to recommend GDS to a colleague 10/10 

Likelihood to re-attend 10/10 


“I really enjoyed this session. It was definitely very productive and a good use of time. The topics were all in-line with my current area of responsibility. I enjoyed hearing from other industries and backgrounds about the challenges we have been facing lately as well as potential solutions. I got many takeaways from the discussion that I will be passing onto my team. If we had more time to, I would have liked to deep dive more into the enterprising aspect and hear more about the solutions the other peers have been working on. Alex from the Rapid team was excellent; he shared great inputs on the best practices and approaches to some of the challenges discussed – very helpful to have an expert on the session. I would be more than happy to reconnect with the Rapid team and continue today’s discussion.” 

Likelihood to recommend GDS to a colleague 10/10 

Likelihood to re-attend 10/10 


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